New Year, Same Me: What if I'm still the same me from 2020?

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

 New Year, Same Me

"Self care hits differently when you know that you're loved by God". - Ketna Isma

From the little bit of social media that I've taken in so far in 2021, I'm already overwhelmed. From the emails in my inbox coming from blogs I'm subscribed to, to posts on social media
that give their tips, advice and opinion on ways to be a better me in this new year. Well, I have a confession; it's a new year, I'm overwhelmed, and I feel like the same me.

I don't think that the intent behind the social media posts are to tell people to change overnight. However, my mind has a filter in it that likes to take things and morph them into the negative. When I see, "Become a better you in 2021!" That translates into my mind as, "You're not good enough as you are right now, you need to change pronto!"

Don't get me wrong, a lot of the new year inspirational posts are good; they provide tips and encouragement on how to reach your goals, and goals are good to have, necessary actually. But what do you do when you don't feel good enough no matter how many goals you set and even reach? What do you do when you struggle with anxiety and you feel immense pressure to become a better version of yourself to change overnight?

I'm convinced that a shift in our mindset must take place. When you try to become a better you because you think that that is where your worth is found, the "better you" will never be enough. We have to already know that our value and identity is in Christ. 

What does that mean?

 It means you eventually come to a place where it's engrained in your heart and mind that you know that you are loved by God just as you are because of Jesus' sacrifice. It means that you can walk in peace and freedom from perfectionism because you know that God's love isn't based on what you do, but on what HE did on the cross. It means that you know that God loves you not because of who you are, but because of who HE is. It means that you are loved by God just are you are right now in this moment. Not the you that you think He wants you to be, but the you right now.  

Don't hear me wrong now, we don't want be stagnant, but just because it's a new year, that does not mean that your process needs to speed up. Honor your pace. Don't lose yourself because you're trying to find yourself. If you know Jesus, you're already found by God through Jesus. You have nothing left to prove.

Now, take a deep breath and let it out. Relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw. It's okay sis. And don't think that after reading this post that you should immediately stop trying to have it all together. This may just be the beginning of that process. You may find yourself trying to perfectly not give into perfectionism. I've struggled with that every day since the new year. You're not alone.

If you're at the end of this post and you feel as though there is a stirring in you to get to know Jesus for the first time ever, I want to share with you my post, The Ultimate Gift. There I share the story of how humanity has failed to meet the standard that God has set for us due us choosing sin over God; but also how Jesus is a gift through sacrificing His life to the world so that we may come into relationship with God and be forgiven of sin. Romans 10:9 tells us that "if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our Hearts that God raised Him from the dead, then we will be saved". 

God loves you, He sees you, and He desires for you to know Him personally.

Please share in the comments your journey so far this new year with your goal setting, your desires for your faith walk and anything else you'd like to talk about!

You are not alone!

So much love, 


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