How to Deal With Nausea (This May be a Little TMI)

Friday, January 15, 2021

 How to Deal with Nausea (This May be a Little TMI)

Hey sister girl! I hope that you've been doing well. Okay, so this post may be just a little tmi, but who can relate to awful pms aka - Premenstrual Syndrome? Raise of hands? 

Have you ever heard of a pregnant woman complaining about nausea? Trust me when I say that that pregnant lady was not wrong in her complaint. I'm not pregnant here, but I do experience nausea - apparently, it's a part of pms for some women. 

I mean, I get it bad too. The thought or smell of certain foods and smells make me sick. I feel like I want to throw up for no reason and the smallest little things just make my stomach turn. 

If you can relate, I want to share a way that I've discovered how to deal with unwanted nausea. I don't know if my remedy will work for everyone, but it's worth a shot. 

The way that I deal with nausea involves food. For me, since food and smells are mostly what make me feel nauseous, it takes food and smells to make it go away. Citrusy, tart, and bready foods help my nausea, so things like oranges, green apples, lemonade, strawberries, and saltine crackers. I have to steer clear of certain meats like chicken and white foods like ranch and alfredo sauce. 

I haven't really figured out what sort of smells help me with nausea just yet, but I do know that the aroma from someone cooking in the kitchen and scented lotions and perfumes make it worse. 

If you have any helpful ways that you deal with nausea, please share it in the comments. It's not a fun thing to deal with at all.

As always, so much love,


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