
Hello There!
Hey girl,

My name is Rickari Trevorah and I'm so excited to get to know you and do (internet) life with you. 

I'm a recent college graduate (majored in English, creative Writing), I'm twenty four years old and I love Jesus. 

Relationships, words, reading and family are my things. My girlfriends are literally most of the fun in life. I'm a seven on the Enneagram so I'm always wanting to have fun and am always looking for the next "shiny new thing." I'm also a family girl; if I could be in the same house with my mom and siblings for the rest of my life I most certainly would. 

It's my heart that every individual that comes across the blog will experience and get to learn more about God's love and his character. I want you to know that God loves you personally and individually and without condition. Thus, the blog is going to spill all the tea on all things faith, lifestyle and mental health with the hope that you'll find that you're not alone in the things that you may be facing or going through.  

That's sort of me and the blog in a nut shell. There's so much that's in store for the blog as I know God has a lot up his sleeve. It's going to be a good time. Let's be excited for what God has in store for us!

Now, go strut with your head held high not because of who you are on your own, but because of who God says you are. And that's victorious and loved unconditionally by Him.

So much love, 


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